Avengers end game new rumors

Avengers: Endgame - Don cheadle aka war machine refuses to promote movie with Mark ruffalo ..?

Updated Jan 19, 2019 | 09:12 IST | Saurav janartha

 Cheadle, who plays War Machine in Marvel Cinematic Universe, has refused to promote the movie with Hulk star Mark Ruffalo, in a recent interview. Here's why...

Don Cheadle refuses to promote Avengers: Endgame with Mark Ruffalo
Don Cheadle refuses to promote Avengers: Endgame with Mark Ruffalo

Not many realised but almost a year before the release of Avengers: Infinity War, Mark Ruffalo had slipped that, while giving an interview with Don Cheadle, that half of the Avengers die in the film. He had then added that all the Avengers die and many thought he is joking because Don Cheadle too had reacted in a certain way as if he has blurted a spoiler. Little did they know, Mark Ruffalo wasn't joking and he had actually revealed the ultimate spoiler. 

Now that Avengers: Endgame is slated to release next year, recently, Don Cheadle who plays War Machine in Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. When Jimmy asked him about Mark Ruffalo, Don stated that he has refused to promote the movie with him because he doesn't wanna be by his side when spoils the movie. He said, "He runs his mouth a lot". And added, "Why do I need that hassle? Right? I don't want to be sitting next to him when he blows the whole reveal of the movie. Him, Tom Holland - they both, you know...Little chatty." Of course, it was all in jest. Also read: 'Bucky's dead. Happy New Year', says Sebastian Stan on his character's alleged return in Avengers: Endgame
Check out the full conversation below: 
Check out the video where Mark had almost spoiled Avengers: Infinity War and here's how Don Cheadle had reacted to it at Jimmy Kimmel Live: 
Directed by Russo Brothers, Avengers: Endgame stars Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner, among others. 

Avengers: Endgame is slated for an April 26 release

Contact- Sauravjanartha30@gmail.com


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