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Avengers Infinity War: A look at the epic duel between Thanos and Doctor Strange that couldn’t make the final cut

Doctor Strange and Thanos had one of the most spectacular duels in the movie, with loads of VFX shots and special effects. The Sorcerer Supreme successfully held off the Mad Titan for a while until he was overwhelmed by the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos acquired all the Infinity Stones and was successful in achieving what he wanted.
An unused clip from Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War has surfaced online. The short clip, posted on Reddit by a user called Trickster002, shows Thanos sort of launching a giant purple phantom hand towards Doctor Strange during their duel at Titan as a ranged weapon.
The user writes, “A feature of what the power stone also can do was cut out. Thought this would’ve looked really cool If it was finished.”
The clip is cartoony and unfinished and was clearly not rendered for the final cut. It would certainly have looked interesting to see the impact of the attack on Doctor Strange and whether he would have dodged it.

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