Avengers-END_GAME - Trailer

“Part of the journey is the end,” Tony Stark tells us in the highly anticipated first trailer for the fourth Avengers movie: Avengers: Endgame. Marvel has remained atypically silent in the wake of the Infinity War sequel — not totally unexpected, considering Thanos’ cataclysmic snapping, but for a company that loves to plan arcs and plot “Phases,” there were few clues as to how Avengers 4 would pick up the gauntlet after a meme-worthy endingand resolve the conflict.
Half of the cast was wiped from the existence at the end of Infinity War, and the trailer gives us very few extra hints on who will return. We knew, at the very least, that Captain America would come swinging back — as this may be actor Chris Evans’ last outing. Evans tweeted an ambiguous goodbyeto the character in October. And Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, missing from Infinity War, finally makes his appearance here.
While March’s Captain Marvel avoids spoiling the team-up movie by taking place in the 1990sAvengers: Endgame picks up right after the events of Infinity War (though Carol Danvers was teased in that movie’s end credits scene). Also joining Captain Marvel in Infinity War are Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne from Ant-Man and the Wasp.
The trailer shows us many of the heroes that Thanos spared from his all-powerful snap. Iron Man is adrift in space — on Earth, Black Widow, Captain America, Bruce Banner and Hawkeye struggle with their new, bleak reality. But it seems, at least, that they have a plan. To paraphrase Tony Stark in the very first Avengers, if they can’t save the world, they’ll damn well avenge it.
Avengers: Endgame will premiere April 26, 2019, earlier than expected. Now get ready the most awaited trailer of this epic upcoming movie is here 

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