Dragon Ball super Brolly movie Release in india....?

Dragon Ball super Brolly movie ....Latest reports regarding release dates 

Hy... Fellows as you all know that dragon Ball franchise is releasing a movie basically on a non Cannon character ...And after the movie we may see him in the main series too....So about the release dates ____"
In Japan movie is releasing in January and in other Western countries it will be released till March .....And the good news is that ...A list was released by the franchise ..Last week in which the dates confirming the release of the movie were given....And fortunately India is also on the list ...But the date is not given till yet ...So I request all dbs fans to sign in the petition ....I know many of you already would have signed but I request other fans please kindly  sign in the petition if you want to see the movie 🇮🇳. We are only 10,000 sign in away ......So I want you to sign in the petition quickly ....! If you have any questions or I said something worng you can mail me at - sauravjanrtha30@gmail.com


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